About Us     

JES was founded by Leia McDonald Jackson, a human resource developer with a Masters of Science degree in Chemistry, Masters in Distance Education and A Master in Business Administration, Leia McDonald Jackson has over twenty years combined experience teaching, tutoring, and training.  Leia McDonald Jackson has designed, developed, implemented and taught in an after school program for at risk youth to get them access to college. In the process, Leia McDonald Jackson set up pre-k-middle school program for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) studies. Additionally, Leia McDonald Jackson has trained adult learners in STEM areas as well as service industries.

The Vision 
JES is committed to prepare populations to function and thrive in a constantly changing global economy by developing a project oriented-transformative-mobile workforce. 

 The Mission

Our overarching mission is to use education to help reduce global poverty by making human resources more mobile. We make use of project oriented teaching and training to make a more pliable workforce in a constant changing global economy. Our goal is to help our clients develop the best learning/training environments and tools.

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Jackson Educational Services LLC. is a limited liability consultant company which provides web-based course design, virtual tutoring/mentoring, teaching/training tools, study aids and online-learning-environment evaluations for STEM education and training.

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We transform learning environments  via integrating information, communication and technologies (ICT).

Services: We devise research based guidelines for the following online learning environments.

  • collaborative group environments for teachers, students, administrators, parent groups, community groups and religious organizations;
  • the selection and use of information and communication technologies for each learning topic;
  • adult training programs;
  • after school programs;
  • and Sunday and Saturday Schools.